WCWPDS partners with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) to offer training that focuses on your role as a licensor, your role overseeing foster parent compliance to Chapter 56 Administrative Code, and your role in screening and assessing prospective foster families. DCF 56 training is available to new licensors via the DCF 56 Training: New Licensors course and to experienced licensors via the DCF 56-related topic sessions at the Statewide Foster Care Coordinator Meetings and the DCF 56 webinars offered by Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center.
DCF 56 Training: New Licensors
During this two-day training, Chapter DCF 56, Administrative Code is reviewed in-depth, highlighting recent changes or interpretations and reviewing the implementation of rules. Participants will review all licensing materials as well as discuss licensing questions and foster care related issues. You can register for this training in PDS Online by clicking here.
DCF 56 Webinars
There are several recorded webinars on DCF 56 licensing topics on the Wisconsin Family Connections Center (WiFCC) website. For a list of the archived webinars, click here.
Other DCF 56 Training Opportunities
The Wisconsin Association of Foster Care Coordinators is a statewide meeting jointly facilitated by DCF and WCWPDS. The first half of each meeting provides policy updates and opportunities to collaborate on licensing questions. In the second half of each meeting, training is provided on a topic related to your role of licensing, assessing and support foster parents. You can learn more information about the statewide meetings and get on the email list by connecting with the DCF Out of Home Care Specialist here.